AI Policy Fellowship

Every semester, Georgetown RAIN hosts eight-week introductory discussion fellowships on the foundational policy and governance issues posed by the development of advanced AI systems. The fellowship aims to introduce students interested in AI policy and governance to risks from and policy responses to advanced AI.  It will discuss questions such as:

  • How much progress in AI should we expect over the next few years?

  • What are the risks and opportunities associated with advanced AI systems?

  • How can regulators effectively audit frontier AI systems for potentially dangerous capabilities?

  • How could novel hardware mechanisms prevent malicious or irresponsible actors from creating powerful AI models?

  • How can we avoid outcomes where AI development concentrates unprecedented wealth in a single company?

  • How can the United States lead international AI governance efforts while maintaining competitive advantage?

The fellowship meets weekly in small groups. Lunch/dinner is provided. No additional work is required beyond meetings; the first 50-60 minutes of meetings are reserved for co-readings.

Applications for the Fall 2024 cohort of the AI Policy Fellowship are open until September 20 at 11:59 PM EST. You can apply below:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You do not need to have technical knowledge of AI to apply.

    We welcome applications from students with a range of previous experiences. Previous work in AI or technology policy is helpful but not required. In the past, fellows have had backgrounds in security studies, foreign policy, law, political science, and various technical fields.

    In general, we think that questions in AI policy are best answered by people with diverse backgrounds, so we encourage those with backgrounds other than the above to apply as well.

  • Last academic year, we accepted around 30% of fellowship applicants.

  • When forming cohorts, we attempt to accommodate people's schedules. Each cohort meets once a week on Georgetown University's Main Campus for 2.5 hours, with dinner/lunch provided.

  • Each week, fellows participate in a 2.5-hour discussion that introduces key concepts, challenges, and policy responses to issues in the development of frontier AI. The first hour is spent co-reading, and the rest is spent discussing the readings with peers over a meal.

    In additional, current and former fellows are encouraged to attend socials and speaker events that RAIN organizes, chat with organizers about their career plans or research interests, collaborate with other fellows on research projects, and more!

  • Participation is free for all fellows, and fellows do not receive compensation.

    However, RAIN provides meals at fellowship meetings and may support fellows by funding AI policy-related professional development opportunities.

  • Yes. Last year, we organized separate undergraduate and graduate cohorts.

    Schedules permitting, we'll form cohorts so that students are matched with others with similar backgrounds.

Experiences of Former Fellows